Trade Licence is also called Certificate of enlistmentwithin Kolkata City limits.

Requirements For Obtaining CE

Only two documents are required for New CE. (All copies shall be self-attested)

(i) Identity proof documents: Any Photo Identity Documents (EPIC/AADHAAR/DRIVING LICENCE/PASSPORT etc.) issued by Government authority as Identity proof as well as proof of residential proof of applicant.

(ii) Proof of ownership/occupancy: Anyone of the following documents as occupancy proof of business address.

Property tax bill/property tax receipt/ Deed of Conveyance/Lease deed/Sublease deeds/Leave and license agreement/Rent receipt/Rent Agreement/No objection certificate if it is rent free/Electricity bill/Telephone bill/in respects of the place of business and in the name of applicant.

Note I: For trades where statutory certificates, licenses, permissions, permits are required to be Obtained by traders, production of such certificates, licenses, permissions, permits are not required Prior to and/or at the time of issuance/renewal of Certificates.

Note II. However, such enlistment or renewal thereof shall not absolve such person from any liability to take out any licence under any other law like Fire license/Fire No objection Certificate/Pollution Control Board Certificate/Clinical or Health Certificates/Excise(liquor) Deptt./RBI/SEBI/Customs/Police/Import Export etc. and alike for the time being in force.

 Service Charges for Certificate of Enlistment is ₹ 999/- + GST

Download the Form from the link below fill it up and send it to us at our e-mail or whatsapp address. 

WEST BENGAL - Silpasathi

Trade Licence issued all over West Bengal.

Requirements For Obtaining Trade Licence

Documents Required for Trade Licence as given below:

Identity proof documents: Any Photo Identity Documents (EPIC/AADHAAR/DRIVING LICENCE/PASSPORT etc.) issued by Government authority as Identity proof as well as proof of residential proof of applicant.

Property tax bill/property tax receipt/ Deed of Conveyance/Lease deed/Sublease deeds/Leave and license agreement/Rent receipt/Rent Agreement/No objection certificate if it is rent free/Electricity bill/Telephone bill/in respects of the place of business and in the name of applicant.

Service Charges for Trade Licence is ₹ 799/- + GST

Please fill up the Form below and we will contact you.

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